Personal & Responsible Investing

Everyone has different challenges and opportunities in their lives and finances. Many are common, but most are unique. We are here to help you meet the challenges and seize the opportunities, together.

Our fiduciary responsibility means that we always act in your best interests. Your investment strategy will reflect your goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Your portfolio will follow your values and passions, and be as unique as you are.

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Personal Touch - Eureka Wealth Solutions

Personal Touch

The investment advisory business is undergoing a profound industry change. A multitude of new companies, as well as some of the larger and more established players in the industry, are attempting to utilize technology to create an automated solution.

  • During this process, investors are often assigned to "boxes," whereby anyone with a "long investment horizon" and a "moderate risk tolerance" may end up with the same sample portfolio. Sometimes the product you get for very low fees is exactly what you paid for.
  • Many investors may have a view on economic trends at the macro or industry levels that they wish to express in their portfolio. Many believe that their investments should have a positive impact on the environment or society. We take it all under consideration. The more we know about you, the more we think we can help. We rely on experience, research, quantitative methods and technology for custom individual portfolio solutions.

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Investing Philosophy - Eureka Wealth Solutions

Investing Philosophy

We at Eureka Wealth Solutions are avid fans of technology. We believe there are a number of exciting opportunities that technology can provide to the investment industry.

  • While investment horizon and risk tolerance are important and necessary factors in investment decisions, so are the person’s goals and values.
  • A theme is a trend, due to economic, demographic, geopolitical, regulatory or technological factors. Impact investing encompasses a large subset of themes that focuses on environmental and social issues.
  • Recognizing the trend early and identifying correct investment opportunities can lead to significant market outperformance. We continuously research the latest themes to build and maintain investing portfolios to take advantage of them.

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Financial Services - Eureka Wealth Solutions

Financial Services

Whether you are saving for a house, college or another major purchase, preparing for retirement, going through a life transition, or facing another challenge, we’re here to focus on your goals and needs. We have adapted a collaboration model to leverage the strength of a network of experienced like-minded financial professionals focusing on making clients’ lives better.

  • In addition to investment management, we help our clients with all aspects of their financial lives including cash flow management, financial planning, tax planning and estate planning. We’ll help solve your problems today and help you prepare for the future challenges.

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Portfolio Management - Eureka Wealth Solutions

Portfolio Management

The initial portfolio construction is only a start. Active portfolio management is a critical part of risk management, and periodic rebalancing is necessary to achieve superior results and to make sure that the portfolio remains within the designed allocation and risk parameters.

  • We are not bound by any benchmark or predetermined allocation by asset class, sector or geography, which gives us the flexibility to pursue what we believe are the best opportunities within the client's risk tolerance.
  • Tax efficiency and optimization is an additional consideration in our portfolio construction and rebalancing process.

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Charitable Giving - Eureka Wealth Solutions

Charitable Giving

We believe in ESG (Environment, Sustainable, and Governance) based investing. To reflect our commitment to ESG, we contribute 2% of our fees annually to the charity of your choice. We use multiple factors to select the best charity from each of the following five categories you can pick from:

  • Children & Education
  • Community & Human Services
  • Environment
  • Healthcare
  • Technology & Science

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